Zack Lori Zack Lori

Debate Prep: Northwestern’s Endowment

This week, Political Union will debate whether NU should draw more heavily on its endowment to ease the financial burden to the community presented by COVID-19.

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Felix Beilin Felix Beilin

Discussion Prep: School Reopenings During COVID

This week, Political Union will host a discussion about whether and how schools from kindergarten to postgraduate should reopen this fall. Here’s some background info on the efforts underway to do so across the country.

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Felix Beilin Felix Beilin

What is the Epoch Times?

What is the Epoch Times? Why is it all over YouTube, what are its political origins, and what kind of effect might it have had on the election so far?

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Joe Gonsalves Joe Gonsalves

An Open Letter to Progressives Against Biden

Pamela Chen (executive board member and creator of a recently viral Instagram infographic) makes the progressive case for voting for Joe Biden in this year’s presidential election.

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Felix Beilin Felix Beilin

How Trump Wins

As President Trump slips further into underdog status, Felix Beilin critically evaluates various strategies he might use between now and election day to turn the tide in his favor.

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Felix Beilin Felix Beilin

The Briefest of Histories of How We Got Here

As the nation begins a long-overdue reckoning with racial tension and injustice, here’s a brief history of policing in America and a few suggestions for where to look for further reading.

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Zack Lori Zack Lori

Why Britons Want Boris Johnson’s Closest Adviser Fired

Boris Johnson’s approval rating has slipped 20 points since Friday. The Conservatives’ polling lead over their Labour opponents has nearly halved in recent days. The cause? A coronavirus scandal regarding an unelected bureaucrat who many feel isn’t being held accountable.

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Zack Lori Zack Lori

Why Britons Want Boris Johnson’s Closest Adviser Fired

Boris Johnson’s approval rating has slipped 20 points since Friday. The Conservatives’ polling lead over their Labour opponents has nearly halved in recent days. The cause? A coronavirus scandal regarding an unelected bureaucrat who many feel isn’t being held accountable.

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NU Political Union NU Political Union

A Dialogue re: ASG Adani Coal Mine Resolution

Hey everyone, today we’re trying something new. The two of us (Felix and Zack) are going to briefly summarize our disagreements over a recent development on campus: ASG’s resolution opposing the Adani Carmichael coal mine in Eastern Australia.

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Felix Beilin Felix Beilin

Debate Prep: Has China Eclipsed the US?

This week’s debate focuses on the relative power of China and the United States--we’re leaving the measurements and details up to you. In the meantime, here’s a brief refresher on the trajectory of China’s economy, as well as some of the geopolitical initiatives the country has taken. Since China’s position within the global COVID-19 crisis is also relevant to this discussion, we’ll briefly summarize the state of their response at the end.

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Felix Beilin Felix Beilin

No Need to Worry About the Supreme Leader

Today, let’s dissect the rumors that went around during Kim’s disappearance and examine what the global reaction has been to their general dissolution. Let’s also consider some perspectives on what the next North Korean transition of power might look like and what US policy on Kim’s death, whenever it comes, ought to be.

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Felix Beilin Felix Beilin

Debate Primer: CARES Act Corporate Bailouts

The question before us on Monday evening at 7pm CST (we hope you’ll join us—check our Facebook for a Zoom link!) is whether the government should engage in bailouts to big businesses like these, in principle. Here’s some background that you might find useful.

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Meet our editors

Felix Beilin is a junior majoring in political science and journalism. His areas of interest include political communication and the politics of Europe.

Connor Caserio is a freshman with an undecided major. He is interested in environmental politics, international relations, and transportation and infrastructure policy, among other issues.

Parker Stava is a freshman studying biology, Science in Human Culture, and political science. He is interested in the intersection of science, religion, and politics. Additionally, his political interests include congressional and presidential politics, domestic issues, and voting patterns.